Thoughts from class.

I hope you didn’t hold your breath, because I clearly wasn’t able to keep up with this trial, and wasn’t able to blog yesterday. Nonetheless, here I am writing today, some is better than nothing at all, right?

Wednesdays are such long days.  I don’t know what to expect out of them aside from my excitement of going to the city for my Complementary and Alternative Medecine (CAM) class.  It has been such a rewarding class, and a great experience, I am always rejuvenated by the chance of air and scenery by going into the city and experiencing the busy vibe that is rather refreshing in its own way.  The class is so interesting and I often find myself wandering about it and about how complicated yet simple life is.  Our bodies are such amazing, capable, complex beings.  We have powers beyond our imagination and we only need to listen to our bodies, our spirits and admire, embrace and live the beauty of this universe.

Having had such a long day on Tuesday, I slept through my alarm this morning, and I had literally 15 minutes to get ready and catch the bus. My tiredness was increased with my lack of eating (not good, but didn’t plan it, things happened…woopsies) and I got to the city and my class, ready to talk about Traditional Chinese Medecine (TCM) and Ayurveda (an Indian traditional medecine).  These two modalities are similar in many ways, they share their focus on the flow of energy in our bodies, and how connected our minds are with our bodies.  The concept that makes me respect these traditional modalities are their approach of letting the body heal itself, and the focus on prevention rather than intervention. It makes complete sense to follow what your body is naturally used to, rather than interfering with it and introducing foreign chemicals that fight the body’s ways of healing itself.  Last week, we talked about Yoga, its history, usefulness, effectiveness in healing and in living a healthy life as well as how integrated into the western societies it has been, more so than other CAM modalities.

All of these modalities as I’ve already mentioned focus on the mind-body connection and the abilities that come as a result. It might be just me, but that totally comes in easy to me, and makes total sense how we can influence our state of health and being by the way we project our thoughts towards different situations we encounter.  Our abilities once we determine to accomplish something are amazing. And inspirational story that blows the mind is one that took my breath away in today’s class. A story of determination, hope and yoga. I thought I would share it with you here, so when things seem negative and things get out of hands, you can remember to never ever give up, and never underestimate the power we all have.

With that I leave you with peace.

Until next time,
